la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: Das Giraffenkeks

The little giraffe has found a new friend on a biscuit packaging.
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: Die Ballettfigur

What animal has got a long, long (very long) neck apart from a giraffe? It has become most famous hobbling over the stage in some ballets and hissing around in ponds respectively.
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: La girafe végétarienne

The little giraffe is cannot be fed to the lions as lions do not favour vegetarian dishes.
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: The Giraffe-in-the-middle-attack

Happy Easter!
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: L’atterrissage

The little giraffe is unsuccessfully trying to step down from a Raspberry Pi.
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: La maladie

Oh no! Is it sick?
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

La photo: A Vitascope

The little giraffe is looking into a lense of an unfinished wooden vitascope.
la petite girafe Miscellaneous

Giraffenbuch 2019

Giraffenbuch 2019 —
A review of the little giraffe’s adventures in 2019.

The little giraffe was put together in october 2019. Since then it has survived several accidents including broken legs (most frequent injury by far), broken tails, broken necks and spines (a little less frequent) and complete deconstruction (in order fit into a transport box bound for Brussels). At the beginning of 2020 it fell down (again) severely and some parts of it was suck up by a vacuum cleaner in further consequence. Fortunately the producers of LPG have foresightfully added several extra building blocks to the construction set, thus it could be repaired in the meantime and has readied itself for the next adventures.