Miscellaneous News

ChR’s Music Theory Repository

Find easy, medium and difficult music and aural theory exercises on

Find some ear training exercises in different levels of difficulty at my new music theory repository.

A new website dedicated to music theory which is growing steadily

Working as a lecturer of music theory through the pandemic also meant to digitise a bunch of exercises. Teaching aural theory was particularly challenging as it just didn’t work out so well in the traditional way using the piano a lot and finding solutions together on the board. You’ll probably know how ear training works out in normal times — and let me add that I still prefer teaching it that way, playing a piece on the piano, going around and helping my students taking their individual obstacles. Teaching online really means to find other didactical solutions and also to offer lots of practising materials. Naturally these exercises can still be of use once we have entirely come back to teaching at the campus. Thus I have decided to recycle some of the exercises I have created over the past two years, translate them into English and offer them for free. It’s really great that I’m obvioulsy not the only academic doing so — and not nearly the first one aiming at creating a digital offer for students who would like to get skilled in music theory respectively. In this way the pandemic has really moved things forward.

My repository is still far from finished. It is rather meant to grow steadily. I have until now uploaded several easy and some medium aural training exercises. I have only begun to translate my slideset in fundamentals of music theory (to transfer all the PDF pages into many WordPress posts, tag them appropriately and doing some clearing work will take some time and I’m planning to do this in the summer holidays when I’m tired of orchestrating my new song cycle «Three Nautic Still-Lives» which is to be premiered in April 2023 at the Musikverein in Vienna).

I hope that you will find my repository useful: Please don’t hesitate to ask for some specific exercise or if you have any suggestions. The new website really isn’t meant to become something like a textbook. I’d rather like to consider it a place that can be visited any time, without the need of creating a membership account. Just any time you feel like practising something, feel free to see if there’s something available that can be done on the fly.

Christoph Renhart’s Music Theory Repository